8 Medium Backyard Landscaping Ideas for This Spring

One of the best things about spring is the ability to fully work in your backyard again. Having space outside to enjoy isn’t something to take for granted. It provides access to nature, so you can relax, do activities, and host family and friends. To utilize this beautiful space, here are some medium backyard landscaping ideas you should start working on now.

1. Small Scale Landclearing

One of the best medium backyard landscaping ideas you can have is removing some vegetation. Maybe your backyard has become overgrown over the winter or in general. If your backyard has become too unmanageable because of overgrown shrubs, deadwood, and lack of tree removal that needs to be cleaned up, you may have a fire hazard on your hands.

Remember that the wood from trees and leaves can provide quick fuel for a fire to burn from the slightest lightning strike or because of overheating in an arid environment. Summer will be here soon and that’s the time when many forest and brush fires happen in the United States. These fires can spread quickly and often result from either negligence or the smallest spark. Keep your family and your home safe by clearing this area out.

Plus, small-scale land clearing can ensure you’re not exposed to unwelcome pests. After all, there are many pets always looking for places to nest. Vermin such as rodents can multiply quickly since they have a short gestation period and deliver several pups in one litter. If your uncleared land has provided a nesting area for rodents, you may have an infestation on your hands that you should call a professional for. Some snakes may be harmless, but many can be poisonous and attack without provocation. These snakes may attack you or any small animals you have. Don’t forget about termites. Before a termite reaches the wood of your house, they can ease their way in by nearby wood such as fallen trees, firewood, and twigs. Don’t run the risk of being attacked by a snake, rodent, or biting insects.

2. Light Things Up

There’s nothing like natural sun and moonlight, but at some point, it’ll get dark outside. You should invest in professional landscaping lighting services so you can always have more light and safety in your backyard. You should add a new lighting system to your medium backyard landscaping ideas.

You can use lighting to create a new sense of design outside. The right LED backyard lights add to the backyard atmosphere. For example, you can make your backyard feel brighter, more energetic, or intimate and romantic due to the brightness, heat, and color level of the lights. When you use outdoor LED lights, they’re much more energy efficient while still producing the same amount of light as iridescent bulbs. As a matter of fact, they use 75% less energy than traditional lights.

With the right lighting, you can make your backyard more protected. After all, you can have automatic lights that respond to motion detection. This is a safety feature that alerts you to human or wild animal intruders. It also allows you to keep your outdoors lit when people are outside during a party without having to hit a switch. The last thing you want is to trip and fall because you can’t see yourself in the dark. Therefore, an updated backyard lighting system can ensure you and others can always see where you’re going and avoid injuries from accidents.

3. Automate Hydration

It’s hard to have a beautiful backyard when you have dried thirsty grass. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to forget to water the grass when you have a busy schedule and if the grass seems to look fine. That’s why you should add an irrigation system to your medium backyard landscaping ideas list. Don’t worry, you don’t have to install an irrigation system on your own. Your professional landscapers can efficiently and quickly install one that can last for years. That way you and the family can go away this summer for weeks or months at a time and not worry about your backyard becoming dehydrated and dying out.

Another advantage to using this update is you don’t have to worry about over or underwatering your plants. Over and underwatering is a mistake many homeowners make. Luckily, landscapers understand the precise amount of water needed to keep your grass, flower beds, and trees hydrated throughout the year. This irrigation system comes on at a certain time and provides the precise amount of water needed. As a result, you can rest assured you’re helping conserve water, a natural resource that’s constantly being wasted.

4. Give Trees a Makeover

Trees are large beautiful plants that have a dynamic presence on any landscape. That’s why it’s essential to keep your trees looking their best. A professional tree trimming service can manicure your shrubs and trees by pruning them as needed. They can create different shapes in your evergreen shrubs. They can ensure your regular trees don’t have overgrown branches that can become heavy. Such regular trimming is essential for keeping your trees healthy. After all, a healthy tree is a beautiful tree. When trees get ill, it may show by way of fungus. They may also no longer start producing leaves and become barren. If these trees can no longer produce leaves, they also won’t be able to produce fruit. After all, before the fruit comes on, their flowering buds come in first. Regular pruning can help you have a better fruit and nut yield every season. Fruit trees also look very beautiful and lush. That’s why trimming is among the best ways you can make over a tree and should be part of your medium backyard landscaping ideas list.

For your trees to truly thrive, they may need more surrounding space. While a backyard with lots of trees can look beautiful, it can become overwhelming for each individual tree if they don’t have breathing room. It also creates an environment that makes it easy for a sick tree to pass its illness on to others. That’s where professional tree removal services come in. These professionals can strategically remove certain trees to make it easier for trees to have unnecessary breathing room and stop their branches from touching. Plus, you won’t feel completely closed in on your property. After all, trees provide shade, insulation, and noise prevention. However, too many of them may make it hard to see nice views from your windows. Isn’t it nice to be able to look down from your back windows and view your garden or fishpond?

5. Build or Enhance an Existing Deck

What better way to enjoy the outdoors than with a deck? Hiring a professional deck builder can make your outdoors an easier place to be. After all, if you already have a nice backyard, it’ll be much easier to comfortably sit out there when you have a solid patio or deck surface. When you include a deck in your medium backyard landscaping ideas, it can be the foundation for your entertainment, relaxation, and additional accessories. A quality deck can be constructed from a range of materials, like stone, brick, cement, or a combination of them. Adding a deck build to your medium backyard landscaping ideas is a perfect way to add value to your home, as most American homebuyers are searching for houses with them. According to Psychology Today, being outdoors produces a sense of wellness and happiness. The more you add to your outdoor space, the more wellness you can create for your life.

Even if you already have a deck or patio, you can further enhance it with various cooking facilities. Why not add a fire pit which can be a focal point to do small-scale cooking? Fire pits are also handy on cooler nights when you want to hang outside. If you love cooking and tend to host large parties, why not add an outdoor kitchen space? Americans are increasingly adding outdoor kitchens to decks and patios, so when you add one, you’ll increase the value of your home. Plus, you’ll be able to cook smelly or smokier foods like barbecue, fish, and other experimental items without smelling up your indoor kitchen space.

6. Give Friendly Wildlife a Drink

As you’re thinking of more medium backyard landscaping ideas, don’t forget about the beautiful forms of wildlife that make your yard a better place to be. Sure, there are vermin you don’t want to attract, like rodents and termites. However, beautiful and helpful wildlife, such as butterflies, grasshoppers, birds, squirrels, and bees can make your backyard space feel like something from a storybook. Imagine waking up in the morning and hearing hummingbirds singing. Enjoy colorful Red Robins perching on a branch near your window. Watch squirrels running around trying to get peanuts and other acorns. Imagine watching your children trying to catch a fluttering butterfly. These are all the things that are feasible when you create an environment that these friendly creatures are attracted to. In addition to having vibrant vegetation, you can attract them with a water source.

Make such medium backyard landscaping ideas a reality when you contact a local hardscaping service that specializes in water features like bird baths. These bird baths also provide drinks for other cute insects like ladybugs and grasshoppers. If you’ve always loved having goldfish, you no longer have to settle for a small bowl indoors. Hardscaping professionals can also build a fish pond so you can enjoy all types of tropical fish outside. It could be one of the highlights of your outdoor space. Your fish pond has the same effect a birdbath or water fountain would have. It can also attract wildlife, and you may even have some frogs making their way there.

7. Install a Swimming Pool

Your tropical fish aren’t the only ones who should enjoy swimming on your property. If you have enough backyard space, the optimum medium backyard landscaping ideas should involve finding a way to install a pool. Your pool can be as small or as large as your space allows. Once you get the permit to build one, you can find a local pool contractor who can construct the type of pool you want. Decide whether you want an inground or above-ground pool. Remember, inground pools can last longer as they can withstand the elements better. However, an above-ground pool comes in handy if you need a pool you’d want to deconstruct if you decide to leave the property one day.

Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise you can have. It’s a great low-impact cardiovascular workout in which the buoyancy of water puts a healthy amount of stress on muscles and ligaments without hurting them. Therefore, if you don’t enjoy going to the gym but want a full-body workout, swimming is a perfect solution. In addition to getting regular swimming as part of your regular activity, your swimming pool allows you to have a regular source of entertainment in your backyard. Imagine all the backyard barbecues, birthday parties, and holiday functions you’ll have focused around your pool. Plus, if you’re in the right area, a pool can add value to your home.

To prepare for this update, you may need to hire local tree removal contractors to do some land clearing. You should also be aware of having trees too close to the swimming pool, as it may cause a buildup of leaves and debris. Then you will have to clean your pool more often.

8. Add Custom Paths

Connect structures in your yard with custom paths. Thanks to the expertise of cement mixers and pavers, you can have colorful and firm paths leading from the front to the back. Create a path from the deck to a gazebo, greenhouse, or rose garden. Make them extra beautiful with the work of a certified arborist, who can create a tree-lined path.

As you can see, when it comes to medium backyard landscaping ideas, there are plenty of things to consider. Whether you need a local tree service professional, hardscaper, or outdoor kitchen specialist, there are many ways you can create an outdoor Oasis you may never want to leave. Good luck building the backyard of your dreams in 2024.

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