Try Some of These Shrubs for Your Front Yard Landscaping

Shrubs are vastly underappreciated when it comes to landscaping. This is likely due to the fact that shrubs are often overlooked for more attractive or showy plants, yet they offer a wide variety of benefits and can be quite stunning when placed in the right setting.

They come in a dense, low-lying plant that typically grows between two and eight feet tall. They offer a wide array of benefits to the modern landscape.

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From being great for accents, thresholds, and entryways to providing more privacy and sound insulation, shrubs are unique and dynamic. Not only are shrubs extremely versatile but many are fast-growing, making them ideal for filling in bare patches in the landscape and quickly creating a full and lush outcome.

From an aesthetic standpoint, shrubs can be used to create soft, natural lines throughout the landscape. When combined with other taller plants or trees, they help form a layered visual effect that can be quite pretty and eye-catching. Additionally, shrubs can be used to create a focal point or draw attention to a particular spot in the yard.

One of the most important benefits of having shrubs in your garden is the way they can provide privacy and shelter. A hedge or shrub border can provide a natural, continuous barrier, often providing a greater sense of privacy than a fence can.


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